Reading time: 1 min

This recipe shows two ways of detecting when your app goes to foreground or background.

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Reading time: 1 min

For whatever reason, stroking (i.e drawing a border) and filling a SwiftUI Shape at the same time is difficult and unintuitive. Shape has methods for both, stroke and fill, respectively, but they both return some View, meaning you can't chain them.

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Reading time: 4 min

This recipe shows how to perform a GET request in the background using BGTaskScheduler and BGAppRefreshTaskRequest. For whatever reason, this has way too many gotchas:

  • You can't use Alamofire, you have to use URLSession.
  • You can use URLSessionDataTask, it has to be a URLSessionDownloadTask. Why? Beats me.
  • You can't use callbacks, you must use delegates to track request progress and completion.

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