Reading time: 1 min

This recipe shows how to style SwiftUI Gauge views. You'll implement a needle gauge views that mimics speedometers in cars using a custom GaugeStyle.

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Reading time: 2 min

This recipe shows how to style a TabView in SwiftUI - change its background color, text and icon colors and styles, as well as changing the badge coloring. This solution works on all SwiftUI and iOS versions.

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Reading time: 3 min

This recipe shows how to customize a Progress view by implementing a custom ProgressViewStyle. You'll implement a circular progress bar that supports both definite and indefinite progress.

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Reading time: 3 min

This recipe shows how to style a SwiftUI Form. Forms are a great way to quickly compose a UI for collecting data, such as an enrolment form or a settings panel, but fully styling them can be a bit a tricky.

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Reading time: 2 min

This recipe shows how to style SwiftUI DatePicker by setting its background and foreground / text color. There's no good, standard way of doing this, but a few tricks can get you there for the most part.

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