Custom Progress View in SwiftUI
Reading time: 3 min
This recipe shows how to customize a Progress
view by implementing a custom ProgressViewStyle
. You'll implement a circular progress bar that supports both definite and indefinite progress.
SwiftUI Arc
Reading time: 1 min
Here's a simple recipe to help you draw Arc shapes in SwiftUI. For some reason, arcs still aren't a part of the standard Shape
package, but fortunately, wrapping them isn't too difficult.
Custom Toggle / Checkbox in SwiftUI
Reading time: 1 min
This recipe shows how to implement a custom Toggle
via ToggleStyle
. The particular ToggleStyle
you'll implement will make a Toggle
look like a checkbox.
Introducing SwiftUI Recipes Companion!
Reading time: 2 min
Here at, we're proud to announce the SwiftUI Recipes Companion app!
This FREE app allows you to view community-sourced recipes and includes an XCode Source Editor extension, allowing you to insert the recipe code straight into your own!
You can preview its content and functionality using our online companion!
Reading time: 2 min
This recipe shows how to show multiple Alert
s, ActionSheet
s or custom dialogs, without tying them to multiple views.