Reading time: 5 min

This recipe is a cheatsheet for various ToolbarItemPlacement values and combinations on iOS. This is useful because:

  1. The namings of the placement values don't necessarily clearly depict where will a ToolbarItem end up.
  2. Some values don't play well with each other. E.g, .primaryAction will hide .confirmationAction if it's placed above it, but not if placed below.
  3. Some positions change if TitleDisplayMode is .inline.

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Reading time: 6 min

This recipe shows how to add a Map View using SwiftUI. It also shows how to add pins/markers/annotations to the map, allowing for mixing of different map annotation types.

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Reading time: 2 min

This recipe shows how to combine ScrollViewReader and onChange(of:perform:) to jump to the selected item in a scrollable view. We'll use this method to update our top tabs and make them fully visible when selected.

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Reading time: 1 min

This recipe shows how to implement an indefinite loading bar in SwiftUI. This kind of view is common in Android Material Design as it's sleek and takes up less space than a conventional, circular LoadingView.

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Reading time: 1 min

This recipe show how to display a custom dialog in SwiftUI. You can customize the dialog content in any way you want.

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