Reading time: 1 min

This recipe shows how to display a grouped list in SwiftUI. A grouped list contains sections, comprised of zero or more rows, plus an optional header and footer.

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Reading time: 2 min

This recipe shows how to style SwiftUI DatePicker by setting its background and foreground / text color. There's no good, standard way of doing this, but a few tricks can get you there for the most part.

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Reading time: 8 min

This tutorial shows how to use the SwiftPaging framework to seamlessly integrate a paged data source in your app. You'll learn how to fetch paged data from a remote API and display it in an infinite scrolling list. After that, you'll add a database layer that allows for persistent storage of paged data.

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Reading time: 8 min

This recipe shows how to format content of a SwiftUI Text with HTML via NSAttributedString on any SwiftUI version.

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Reading time: 1 min

This recipe shows how to implement a Pager View using a TabView in SwiftUI. This is an awesome addition in iOS 14.0, allowing you to trivially create a swipeable pager.

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