Pause and Resume Animation in SwiftUI
Reading time: 4 min
This recipe shows how to pause and resume animations in SwiftUI.
SwiftUI Marquee
Reading time: 2 min
This recipe shows how to implement a marquee - self-scrolling content that goes across the screen - in SwiftUI. You'll be able to control the speed and direction of the animation, as well as if it reverses or resets once it ends.
Reading time: 2 min
This recipe shows how to track SwiftUI animation progress and completion via callbacks. For an animated value (offset, opacity, etc.), get its current value as the animation progresses and then get notified when the animation is completed.
Present View from Anywhere in SwiftUI
Reading time: 2 min
This recipe shows how to present a custom view modally from anywhere in the SwiftUI app. Normally, presenting a view on top of another one forces you do define the transition in the parent view. This solution, however, makes it so that the segue is defined in just a single place and is always presented on top of current view.
Reading time: 1 min
This recipe shows how to detect layout direction in your SwiftUI views, which is useful to be able to support both left-to-right (LTR) and right-to-left (RTL) languages. It also shows how to force this setting for testing purposes.